Sunday, December 4, 2011

6 Months

Tommy's Six Month Stats:
Height: 26.25 inches (50%, @ 4mos 30%)
Weight: 16 lbs, 1.5 oz (45%, @ 4 mos 35%)
Head circumference: 44 cm (45%. @ 4mos, 50%))

Tommy's just climbing right on up the growth chart!!  This didn't surprise us at all though because our little man has grown out of his 3-6 month clothes already! 

New activities:
- Rolling from back to front AND front to back - some how he uses the rolling to get around now, from one side of the living room to the other!
-Jumper - he loves his new doorway jumper (and so does mom!)

-Eating in his hi-chair: Tommy started eating rice cereal and fruits and veggies.  Mommy has even made some of his baby food! 
 First cereal feeding
First hi-chair feeding

Tommy also had his first sleep-over with nana and grandpa while mom and dad went to the Margarita Ball!  I think Zoe wanted to stay over too!

Yesterday, we made the trip to Waco with Uncle John, Uncle Pat and Aunt Liz for his second cousin Laney's first birthday party - it was tons of fun!  I sure hope Tommy and Laney can be just as close as Aly, Jenny and I are!  Here's the birthday girl:

I've taken his six month pictures, but not sharing them just yet - Christmas cards coming soon!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

5 Months

Our little boy is just growing leaps and bounds! He's still taking a bottle six times per day and will eat five to six ounces at a time. While he's at home with mommy and daddy he naps 3-4 times per day, but not at daycare - Ms Vicki told him he could "clock out" to take a nap because he didn't need to watch all of the babies for them! He just studies those other babies crawling and walking...I'm sure it will come soon.
His favorite activities: rolling over from front to back, almost back to front; still loves to stand up on your lap, spends tons of time in the exer saucer, likes the bumbo, and of course, he loves to chew on all of his toys.

Mommy and daddy had a little break and Tommy spent the weekend with Grandma and Roland - they took him to the pumpkin patch and he had his first face painting!

Mommy and Melissa also took him to the Dallas Arboretum pumpkin patch - we had a blast taking his picture and he had fun with all of his costume changes :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4 Months

4 Month Check-Up Stats:
Weight - 13 lbs, 14.5 oz (35%)
Height - 24 1/4 inches (30%)
Head circumference - 42.2 (50%)

Well, I guess the weight I tried to take was a little off since a month later he is almost 14 pounds :)  I'm sure I say this every update, but he is just growing like a weed!!  He is completely grown out of his 3 month clothes - Matt put his Longhorn onesie on for the game last week and he busted the arm seams!!

We've had some big events this past month: Tommy was baptized at our church, St Thomas Aquinas, and was blessed with his godparents Uncle Travis and Aunt Laura.  (I need to get the pics from my mom). 
Tommy also attended his first of many SMU Boulevard parties - had a great time but was a little tired after:

Tommy is just the happiest baby - he giggles, smiles, and coos ALL of the time. He's also holding rattles and toys in his hands and of course, trying to eat all of them - yesterday his hand and rattle was slobbery he couldn't hold it and kept getting so mad! It was too funny!!! Tommy is also holding his head up really well now and enjoys sitting in his bumbo chair like a big boy. Yesterday he even sat in the buggy at Target - he only lasted about 15 minutes - but he is my child so he will learn to love those shopping trips to Target soon.

His newest trick is blowing spit bubbles - loves to do it himself and loves it even more when you do it!  Such a boy...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 Months Old

Boy time sure does fly by...I can't believe my little guy is already 3 months old!  I weighed him yesterday and he is 13.5 pounds - all cheeks too!  My favorite time with him is in the morning after his first feeding while I hold him and we just stare at each other and make funny faces and coo back and forth.   He also likes to stand up on my legs while he tries to stand up and hold his head up on his own, every day he gets better and better.  Our family has settled in to a nice routine since I started back at work, I take Tommy to daycare on my way in and then daddy picks him up.  By the time I get home, daddy's already given him a bath and put him to bed, but I get to do his last feeding at 8:30.  Tommy's sleeping through the night now and most mornings I have to wake him up so we can get to school/work on time (which I totally don't mind ;)). 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Returning to Work :(

I can't believe it, but my 12 weeks of maternity/medical leave are up! :(  I have mixed emotions about returning to work, which is a job that I absolutely love, but I would rather be at home with my little Tommy.  Tommy went to daycare this past Thursday and Friday for about 6 hours at a time so he and I could get adjusted to life with daycare.  His teachers Ms Vicki and Ms Chandra are super nice and I'm sure he's making friends with all the other babies just fine :)   Also, last week (@ 8 weeks of age), Tommy started reaching for the toys on his crib gym!!

 Tommy - 6 1/2 weeks - I just love this outfit!!
 Reaching for his toys
This past weekend we went to New Orleans for the Henegan Family Reunion and had a BLAST!!!  Tommy was the hit of the weekend and came home spoiled from being held or walking around in his stroller the whole time!!  The food was great, the booze plentiful, and the company wonderful - it was great to see the Henegan family.  Thanks to Lindsey Rush & Saundra - Daddy and I had a couple of nights out on the town - boy those 7am feedings sure did come fast though!!  We also got to see Tommy's cousins Owen & Nate and their mom & dad - Jason & Sonna - they drove in from Mobile, AL to come see us.  You might be wondering how we arrived in New Orleans - after much debate between dad and me - we flew.  I wanted to drive so that I could take everything imaginable with me (what mom wants to be limited to 2 carry-ons?) and dad wanted to fly because we would get there MUCH faster.  I was nervous taking Tommy on the plane - I've been on several flights with babies who cried the whole time - and I do not want to be that person.  I couldn't have asked for a better experience though- Tommy was awesome and slept just about the entire time.  Now, traveling through an airport with a stroller, luggage, car seat and baby is not an awesome experience, but we managed it - carrying our Starbucks and all!

 Great-Grandma Henegan, Tommy & Mommy

 Great-grandpa Henegan, Uncle Ryan, Tommy & Mommy

Daddy & Tommy overlooking the French Quarter

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

8 Weeks Old

Tommy is getting bigger, smarter and of course, cuter every day.  I really am amazed at how fast he grows and develops - his newest "trick" is smiling back at me.  Matt says he's been smiling at him for "weeks" - hard to believe ;) - but I'm thrilled he smiles at me now!  Tommy's been cooing and holding his up by himself for long periods of time - such a huge change from just 8 weeks ago.  Last night he reached out and tried to grab the toys on his little gym!!! 

Last Friday Tommy had his 2-month check-up, here are his updated stats:
Weight - 10 lbs, 9 ounces (30th percentile)
Height - 21 1/2 inches (10%)
Head circumference - 39 3/4 inches (47%)
He also received his 2 month immunizations!

This past Saturday, Daddy and I dropped Tommy off with Grandma Cindy & Roland so we could have our first date since Tommy was born.  Tommy also got to meet his great-grandpa Roy and great-grandma Maryanne - they loved him up!!  It was neat to see 4 generations of the Rush family. We had a great time starting with dinner at Sushi Axiom and then a couple of beers afterwards.  I was a little afraid we would talk about the baby the whole time - not that there's anything wrong with that - but I was really looking forward to some adult convo - and after we discussed the pros/cons of taking the BOB vs the Snap N Go stroller to New Orleans this weekend (did I really just say that?) we had some very stimulating conversation!! 

More to come next week - we are going to New Orleans for the Henegan Family reunion on Friday - Tommy's first plane trip!

 July 6 - Wishing Aunt Brittany a Happy Birthday

6 Weeks Old!

 7 Weeks Old

Great Grandpa Roy & Great Grandma Maryanne

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tommy is here!!!

Thomas Rush Canon arrived May 17, 2011 at 3:13pm weighing in at 6 lbs, 9 oz and 19 inches long and perfectly healthy!! 

I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since Tommy was little boy is growing so fast!!  The past 6 weeks have flown by with so many visitors coming to see Tommy, doctors appointments, trips to Babies R Us for anything and everything, and of course cuddling with my sweet little boy!  Daddy and I took Tommy to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant - Scalini's - when he was just 10 days old!  He slept the entire time - and let mommy and daddy enjoy a dinner out for the first time in about 4 weeks. 

So where do I start?  On Monday night, May 16, I checked into the hospital to start my induction.  Monday night I ended up getting 3 doses of cytotec (a medication that is suppossed to ripen your cervix) but the cytotec did not work as well as we had hoped and I was still only barely dilated to 1cm and about 70% effaced.  So then around 11am the pitocin was started and the waiting continued.  I did start feeling some contractions but around 3pm Tommy gave everyone a scare by dropping his heart rate.  Next thing I knew the room was full of nurses, anesthesiologists and my OB - Dr Brough telling me that I was going to have an emergency c-section because they weren't able to bring his heartrate back up.  I was rushed into the operating room for a c-section under general anesthesia (I didn't have an epidural in) and within 6 minutes the amazing Labor & Delivery team had Tommy out of harm's way and into the hands of the NICU team - Joanna, Kevin & Dr Minnich - thank you, thank you!!!  I was told Tommy came out screaming and crying and just needed a little CPAP to pink up.  Tommy was taken to the nursery to be observed for a few hours because he was breathing a little too fast - but thankfully did not need to go to the NICU.  I've been told by my fellow nurses this was "the nurse curse" at work - oh well - we all turned out to be healthy patients in the end! 

 Mommy meets Tommy for the first time!
Daddy & Tommy

So after 4 nights in the hospital an excited mommy & daddy brought their beautiful baby boy home!!

The first few weeks were filled with joy and with stress.  I was planning on exclusively breastfeeding but after Tommy lost 13% of his body weight while we were in the hospital, we needed to supplement him by giving formula.  I continued to breast feed before I gave him a bottle, hoping that it was just taking a little longer for my milk supply to come in.  Unfortunately though, it never did and after about 3 1/2 weeks of pumping, breastfeeding, and bottle feeding - and not pumping more than an ounce (EVER!!!) - I gave up breastfeeding.  It was not an easy decision.  I've spent my NICU career being taught how breast milk is best and teaching all the moms I've taken care of the same thing - but in the end I know I gave it my best shot and for whatever reason breastfeeding was not meant for me and Tommy. 

When Tommy was about 2 1/2 weeks old we had his pictures taken - and OMG are they AMAZING!!  Kari Burkhardt did a wonderful job but it didn't hurt having such a gorgeous baby :)  Here's a preview of them and more are on my facebook page

At 6 weeks old, Tommy is eating about 4 oz of formula every 3-4 hours and is waking up every 3-4 hours at night to eat, but luckily goes right back to sleep.  He has been much more alert and is cooing and smiling occasionally!  Being a mom is really an awesome thing, plus he really has been a great baby!  He does have his crying episodes here and there but nothing we can't handle and definitely nothing to complain about.  I'm getting sad thinking I go back to work in less than 4 weeks, but we still have our family reunion trip to New Orleans and Tommy's first plane ride to look forward to!! 

Alright - I hope to post more frequently from now on!

Friday, May 13, 2011

We have a plan...

Due to my increased blood pressure, the OB is going to induce labor on Tuesday, May 17, 2011!!! 

In the meantime, I've been taking it easy as the doctor has prescribed.  Yesterday, Matt and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary - we both couldn't believe how fast the past 4 years have gone by.  We didn't get to really celebrate by going out or anything due to my bedrest - but we did continue our tradition of having a nice steak dinner by getting some food to go and eating at home.  I have to admit - I'm really sick of being at home.  It's sad when you look forward to going to the doctor because that's the only time I really get out of the house.  Everyone keeps telling me to take advantage and rest up while I can and I think I've had all the rest I can take - I'm ready to have my life back - I haven't driven a car in 11 days - I want to get out!!! 

I'm so excited Tommy is going to be here in 4 days - we're ready for you little guy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bump in the Road

This time I really have no excuse for not updating my blog sooner - I've been on 'bedrest' since Monday, so I've had nothing but time on my hands...So why am I on bedrest?  I have a mild form of gestation hypertension, basically being pregnant has caused my blood pressure to increase, and when this is untreated it can lead to liver failure and seizures.  So, rather than have all that fun, the OB told me I can't work anymore - which was disappointing because now I'm starting my leave time without the baby being here.  But - we are probably going to be induced next Monday, May 16, so let's keep hoping for that!!! 

Last Saturday we had a baby shower thrown by the "Posse" in Mansfield (the Posse is Grandma and Grandpa Canon's group of friends).  We had a great time with friends and family, ate some great Mexican food and delicious cake, and opened TONS of gifts!  This little boy really is spoiled and he's not even here yet!!  We were overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone - it was very touching.  Phyllis and Richard came in for the shower from Madison, MS and John & Anni and Deborah came in from Austin - it was so nice to see our out of town family!! 

 Beautiful cake decorated by the talented Richetta Lewis!

So now I'll be going to the OB 2x/week (Monday & Thursday) to check on my BP - I hope to be better at keeping the blog updated!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

35+ Weeks

Holy cow!!!  That's all I can say about how SPOILED we were this weekend at the baby shower Aunt Debbie and Aunt Liz hosted.  The shower was too cute - everything you could imagine (including dish and hand soap!) was blue!!  There were so many great little touches, like handmade life-saver pacifiers, printed mints, mimosas (sad that I could not partake!), delicious food - could not have asked for more!!!  We were given LOTS of adorable clothes, 2 high chairs (one for home and one for on-the-go), a boppy and boppy cover, bedding for the nursery, a video baby monitor, 2 crib soothers (need one for day care too!), a snap-n-go stroller, swaddling blankets, accessories for the nursery, and from "Aunt" Jenny hand-knitted bibs, waschlothes, and an adorable hat, plus much more that I can't remember right now!!!!

I am kind of in shock that we are just about 4 weeks away from our due date!  We need to get ready for this baby!!  Luckily, I have a plan though - grandma Cindy is coming over on Sunday to help me organize the nursery while dad puts the strollers, swing, car seat, etc together.  We still need to wash all of the clothes, wash the blankets, the bed linens, and anything else this cute little baby can wear or lay on!  I did make progress this week though - I packed my bag for the hospital - well half-way at least, I have a list on the outside of the other things I will need to throw in last minute (hair dryer, straightener, make-up, make-up brushes) - this new mommy needs to look cute for all of those pics and visitors :)  Moms - what else do I need???  I have to pack the baby's bag still and arrange my diaper bag (which I LOVE and cannot wait to use - thank you Petunia Pickle Bottom!). 

Had another check up this week and according to my doc, this baby is "Large/Economy Sized."  He said, "I hope you want a big baby because this one is!"  We'll see, next week they will probably tell me he's growing right on target - I'll believe it when I see it.  My blood pressure is still a little on the high/normal side - 130/84 - but I'm not having any other symptoms of pregnancy-induced hypertension so we'll keep on checking it.  I do have terrible swelling in my legs though, especially after working 2 12-hour shifts in a row.  For the most part it goes away after sleeping for 12 hours :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

34 Weeks

Once again - sorry it's taken me so long to update, but I've been busy...I've had 2 wonderful baby showers, had a big project due at work, and having been resting with my feet propped up  A LOT due to my unfortunate development of cankles (oh yeah - and I grew a double chin! - that was tons of work - mostly involving eating Taco Bueno I'm sure!).  Still not doing too bad on my weight gain though - I've gained about 18 pounds, not too bad I guess. 

While Kristy was in town we went to Opening Day at the Ballpark to see our American League Champs, the Texas Rangers, play Boston.  The pre-game tailgate was tons of fun - Kristy and I had a few non-alcoholic beers ;).  Then we went inside to the stadium to watch about 2 innings before we called Uncle to the heat.  Plus Kristy was really craving some Freebird's and so was I! 

The shower thrown by my AWESOME friend Tricia was a hit!  I had several out of town visitors including my great friends from nursing school - Kristy & Amy, my Aunt Susan from Atlanta, Aunt Debbie from New Mexico, and a long-time friend of my mom's - Gail - from Austin.  Gail told a great story about how 29 years ago she threw my mom a baby shower for me!  Amazingly, my mom and Gail have remained friends all this time.  You aren't going to believe this - there were 5 pregnant ladies at the shower!!  Neat to think that we will all have children pretty close in age very soon!  We played some fun games, ate some great food and cupcakes, and opened up TONS of gifts.  I'll post some pics later.

Amy hand-made these super-cute burp cloths!!!

 My Aunts Susan, Debbie & Liz
 Julie, Amy*, Kristy*, Tricia*, Laura & Kristy*
(*- preggers!)
Grandma Cindy, Gail & Pam 

This past Friday I had a shower thrown by my wonderful co-workers at Maggiano's restaurant.  We had a great time there too!  Tommy got lots of clothes and other baby goodies that will be put to good use very soon :) 

This weekend we also went to the Zac Brown & Kenny Chesney concert.  I LOVE both of these guys and they both put on amazing shows!!  The concert was at Cowboys Stadium, which never gets old going to, and I'm still amazed every time I see the Jerrytron.  Did you know that the Jerrytron cost more than the old Texas Stadium cost??  Matt and I had a great time! 

Still getting ready for Tommy, I'm working on packing my bag for the hospital and organizing his room.  I think I'm going to have give up my closet and start sharing again with Matt :(  We need more space for baby things, at least I had about 3 years of bliss though!  This weekend my Aunt Debbie and Aunt Liz are throwing us another shower - my cousin Aly is supposed to come and bring her 4 month old daughter Laney, totally excited to meet her!! 

My doctor's appointments have been going well, I just learned that Tommy is head down with his bottom resting right under my left lungs, making it difficult to bend over and breath all at the same time.  Matt had to help me buckle my sandals the other day and its getting more difficult to tie my shoes on my own!  I can only imagine what the next 6 weeks will bring....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

31 Weeks

I can't believe there are only 9 more weeks until Tommy's due date, it almost seems too soon.  Yesterday at work I took care of baby who's due date was 1 day before Tommy's - it was surreal to see this baby and think, this is the same size that Tommy is and to also be so grateful that he hasn't delivered early.  Speaking of work, its getting a lot more difficult to make it through the 12.5 hour shift, especially if I have to bend over a lot!!!  I'm going to keep trucking on though because I don't want to take time off before the baby is here. 

This weekend Matt and I went to Wes & Linda's to play games.  This was the first time I had seen a lot of my college and high school friends since I've actually looked pregnant and I'm the first one of us to have a baby and for some reason it felt a little strange.  I'm not sure why I felt strange, after all I am 29 and married, its not like this was some accident, but I guess it just showed how we are all at such different places in our lives.  Maybe I sensed that my life is really about to change, for the better of course, but I just couldn't help but think to myself, I wonder when we'll get to do this again? 

On a lighter note - this weekend is my first baby shower hosted by Tricia!!  My great friend Kristy is coming all the way from Florida and Amy is coming from San Antonion - I can't wait to see them, its been too long!!  Tricia, Kristy and Amy will be a great support for me as a mommy because they each have a child already and are both expecting their second late this summer!!  I'm so lucky to have these great women in my life. 

Here are a couple of pics of the nursery painted by Matt!


Monday, March 7, 2011

3rd Trimester!

Today is the first day of my third (and last) trimester, 12 more weeks until Tommy is due.  Matt and I have been busy putting the nursery together - last Sunday I worked and came home to a painted nursery!  Such a great surprise!!  Just a few more finishing touches like artwork on the walls and some shelves up and we are ready for baby. 

Last week we went to the OB again, everything checked out just fine.  From now on I will be going every 2 weeks until we get to 36 weeks and then it's every week until delivery.  After our appointment, Matt and I went to tour the day care center that is at the hospital I work at.  I've been on the waiting since I was about 5 weeks pregnant - needless to say it's a very popular day care.  Several friends and co-workers have recommended the day care, which makes me feel much better.  The plan is to have Tommy at day care 3 days per week, if I'm working the weekend that week then he will only have to go 2 days during the week, but we still have to pay for 3 so that means one day off for mommy possibly - you know to clean the house or run errands OR have a mani/pedi and lunch with the girls :)

I've been reading the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby" on the recommendation of Travis & Laura and my friend Julie.  The book emphasizes how important sleep and a routine is for infants.  Being a NICU nurse, I'm very big on having the baby on a schedule for eating and sleeping.  I'm just hoping the baby starts sleeping through the night sooner rather than later! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This past Sunday with the help of two great friends - Julie and Tricia - and my mom, we set out to register for all the things Matt and I are going to need (and want:)) to take care of Tommy.  I really wish that I could have participated in the mimosas at brunch before hand because maybe I wouldn't have been so stressed out during all of it!  The whole experience is a little overwhelming - which bottles do I want to use? - well it doesn't matter what I think is best, it's what the baby likes most and I won't be able to figure that out until after he's born obviously; am I going to use sleepsacks for the baby since the AAP recommends not using blankets?; which monitor do I want to use - the girls all recommended the video monitors but boy are they pricey; but then there's the fun stuff like the nursery decor at Pottery Barn Kids - loved every minute of being there!  When all is said and done I am registered at Pottery Barn Kids and at  Babies R Us

Matt and I are so blessed with so many great friends and an awesome family - we have two baby showers planned for April already!  All of these steps are making it so more real that we are having a baby and I can't wait until he's here!!!

Speaking of almost being here - I am approaching the end of the second trimester - March 7 I'll be 28 weeks and into the third trimester that I have heard not so great things about.  I'm sure I'll persevere through it because there is such a great reward at the end - but I hope to make it there without insomnia and cankles (swollen ankles so your leg and ankle all look like one)!!!  Being a NICU nurse makes you think of all of the bad things that can happen, baby being born too early, baby being too big or in the wrong position at delivery, and on and on.  I say things to Matt like, "As long as the baby makes it to 28 weeks, I'll be ok if he comes early."  And of course Matt is like, "Why would you say something like that?  Quit thinking about all of the bad things you see at work."  But its hard to not bring those things home with you and its hard not to obsess about it.  On the other hand, almost being a mom myself, I feel has made me a better nurse; I can definitely now relate to how these moms and dads are feelings when their precious little babies are born early - sometimes its hard not to cry along with them, but I love my job and love helping those babies get better so they can go home with their mom and dad!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

104 days until Thomas Rush Canon arrives!!

So maybe it's a little too early to start a countdown in days since we have more than 100, but time sure is flying by!  I had another OB appointment on Thursday, Tommy's heartbeat was 141 beats/minute and my blood pressure was 104/78 - all within normal limits.  Now that I'm 25 weeks along, I had to take a glucose tolerance test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes.  To check for this, I drank a very sugary orange drink and then had my blood drawn an hour later.  Good news - no gestational diabetes!!

Well, I am finally starting to look and feel pregnant.  Tommy is kicking and moving around a lot, such a strange but fun feeling.  I really can't complain much about being pregnant, just having some annoying symptoms like acne (yuck!!!) and heartburn.  I'm also craving salsa from Taco Bueno all the time - I probably eat Taco Bueno twice a week  - which is really funny because my mom said that when she was pregnant with me she ate Taco Bueno almost every day because she wanted their salsa too.  Good thing there is one close and most importantly on the way home from work.  The only bad thing about this is that they are building an In-N-Out Burger right next to the Taco Bueno - this could be a disaster - so far I've gained ~12 pounds but with In-N-Out in Dallas now it is surely to sky rocket!!  

This weekend I'm going to register for all things baby - I have a feeling this is going to be very overwhelming - good thing my mom, Tricia and Julie have offered up their expertise and are coming along with me! 

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Nursery is Coming Along!!

Well, I really didn't think I would be having a baby and living in a condo all at the same time, but we are making it work!!  Of course, about 4 months after I finally furnished and decorated the second bedroom I found out I was pregnant so Matt and I've been busy selling furniture and cleaning out the room to make room for baby.  Thanks to Grandma Cindy we found our nursery furniture too, it's beautiful if I do say so myself:

Dresser/Changing Table

Uncle Travis and dad got the furniture all moved in and put together while I was at work during the weekend - it was a great surprise to see it all coming together.  Okay - for those of you who saw the bedding I posted earlier, I've changed my mind.  For my birthday Matt bought me the nursery bedding that I had picked out at Pottery Barn Kids:

Now, I need to paint the walls and get it all arranged.   Almost 16 weeks until we get to meet our precious baby boy - we can't wait!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's a BOY!!!!

If you haven't heard yet, we are having a little boy!  Matt and I are way excited!!  Our sonogram showed all the right things - 2 legs, 2 arms, all 10 fingers and 10 toes, and some of the other things I asked about (being a NICU nurse and all) - does the baby have a closed gut and umblicus? Yes.  What about the amniotic fluid - is there too much or too little??  It's fine.  The baby was kicking and doing somersaults, Matt kept asking me "Can't you feel that?"  Much to his (and to my) disappoint I couldn't. We were able to take home a dvd of the sonogram and some pictures which I'll post later this week (I'm at work right now so I can't do it). 
Here's the proof:

This Christmas I worked all weekend, this was the first time I've ever had to work on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day since I've been a nurse, so I guess I'm kinda lucky.  At least next year I'll be at home for the little boy's first Christmas!!  Grandma Henegan gave the baby "the best of baby Einstein" toys - he'll be a genius before long - and Grandpa and Grandma Canon gave the little man a very cute teddy bear and book.  We also got a book about healthy sleep habits for baby and a memory book for the baby from Uncle Travis and Aunt Laura.  So spoiled already and he's at least five months away!!

I had a few days off over New Years so we drove to Ruidoso and stopped in Midland on the way to see Phil and Emily and their two little boys - Jack and Henry.  So cute!!  Ruidoso was nice and relaxing, I lost some money at the casino, watched Matt at a wine tasting (NOT fun!!!), watched lots of football, played cards and my all time favorite Scrabble.  Then it was back to work...
Last night we went to the Stars game and when I went to bed last night I'm pretty sure I felt the baby moving, Matt couldn't feel yet but I think he'll be able to soon.  Maybe we have a little hockey player on our hands!!  Help!  I don't know anything about hockey!!!  I mostly people watch when I go to the games.

The baby is 20 weeks old, so we are halfway there.  I can't believe it, the time sure did fly by.  I'm feeling great and sleeping well, which was not the case in the beginning.  If pregnancy was this great all the time it wouldn't be so bad :)