Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This past Sunday with the help of two great friends - Julie and Tricia - and my mom, we set out to register for all the things Matt and I are going to need (and want:)) to take care of Tommy.  I really wish that I could have participated in the mimosas at brunch before hand because maybe I wouldn't have been so stressed out during all of it!  The whole experience is a little overwhelming - which bottles do I want to use? - well it doesn't matter what I think is best, it's what the baby likes most and I won't be able to figure that out until after he's born obviously; am I going to use sleepsacks for the baby since the AAP recommends not using blankets?; which monitor do I want to use - the girls all recommended the video monitors but boy are they pricey; but then there's the fun stuff like the nursery decor at Pottery Barn Kids - loved every minute of being there!  When all is said and done I am registered at Pottery Barn Kids and at  Babies R Us

Matt and I are so blessed with so many great friends and an awesome family - we have two baby showers planned for April already!  All of these steps are making it so more real that we are having a baby and I can't wait until he's here!!!

Speaking of almost being here - I am approaching the end of the second trimester - March 7 I'll be 28 weeks and into the third trimester that I have heard not so great things about.  I'm sure I'll persevere through it because there is such a great reward at the end - but I hope to make it there without insomnia and cankles (swollen ankles so your leg and ankle all look like one)!!!  Being a NICU nurse makes you think of all of the bad things that can happen, baby being born too early, baby being too big or in the wrong position at delivery, and on and on.  I say things to Matt like, "As long as the baby makes it to 28 weeks, I'll be ok if he comes early."  And of course Matt is like, "Why would you say something like that?  Quit thinking about all of the bad things you see at work."  But its hard to not bring those things home with you and its hard not to obsess about it.  On the other hand, almost being a mom myself, I feel has made me a better nurse; I can definitely now relate to how these moms and dads are feelings when their precious little babies are born early - sometimes its hard not to cry along with them, but I love my job and love helping those babies get better so they can go home with their mom and dad!


  1. Lindsey,
    Love the bedding and the blog. Can't wait to see pics of sweet Tommy! You just made me really nervous about the registering so overwhelming, you realize you think you have clue being a nurse and then it's yours and you don't know what you will need!

  2. Can't wait to see you soon and see that belly bump! Youre so close to the finish- i can't hardly believe it!
