Thursday, October 28, 2010


It's been a couple of weeks since I last updated the blog, but not much has changed...except the baby is growing!!  I'm about 9 weeks along now, only 31 more to go.  According to  the baby is the size of a grape (~1 inch long)!  Here's a picture from too:

I've named the baby CC for now, because all I want is Blue Bell Cookies N Creme ice cream!!  I know, how original, a preggo craving ice cream, but I do...last night Matt came home with a big tub instead of the pint size because he said last time he didn't get any!  What can I say - you snooze you lose.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound last week!  I couldn't believe we could already see a heartbeat!!  The baby is so small, measuring about .39cm - pretty tiny huh?  (In the picture, the baby is in between those two + signs) The baby measured 6 weeks on the sono, so that puts our due date at May 30, 2011 - I wish it was sooner - I want to hold and kiss and squeeze the baby now - I don't know how I'm going to wait the next 8 months. 

We finished off the appointment with a ton of bloodwork, plus more than usual because I work in the NICU and could have been exposed to some diseases that non-healthcare workers probably aren't exposed to.  Kind of scary huh?

No worries though - everything came back just fine!

Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't go out - right?!

My first weekend preggers was the Texas-OU game.  Originally we had planned on going to a bar to watch the game and then decided to have family over to the house instead and am I glad we did, I was SO tired!!  I couldn't believe it but I feel asleep on the couch during the second half of the game - seriously? - I love this football game and look forward to it every year and I fall asleep?  Luckily, I didn't miss much, but the Sooners dominating the Longhorns.  All week I had been talking a big game with Matt, "Of course I want to go out after the game, it's always so much fun, plus I can be your DD."  I really thought that just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I still can't do all the fun things I used to do (minus the booze of course!).  Was I in for a rude awakening!  I dropped the boys off on Greenville and then went home and went back to sleep and even told them to take a cab home because I didn't want to be woken up - these days I feel like I could sleep for days...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Where/How do I start?

I'm not one for journaling but I have become inspired by some of my friends who have started blogs, plus I want to document all the ups and downs of my first pregnancy - and share all of the juicy details with my family and friends - so I've created the "Chronicles of a New Mom-to-Be" blog. 

So, about 3 weeks ago (September 20 to be exact), Matt and I found out that we're having a baby!  I was shocked when the home pregnancy test came back with a plus sign, especially since that past week I had taken 4 tests that all came back negative.  Needless to say I was a little worried, so the next day I made an appointment with the OB.  I took another preg test at the office and it was positive too - hooray!  Without going too much into detail, the OB said that I ovulated late in my cycle which is why it took a week to get a positive test.  I then had blood work done to confirm and the results were great - my beta hcg level quadrupled in 48 hours - which relieved me and put me a little more at ease. 

I know you will all think I'm crazy, but I instantly had to start looking at nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, etc...early I know, but I've been looking at this stuff for the past 3 years and now I can actually look at it without feeling too pathetic.

Here's one of my favorite pics of me and my baby daddy