Sunday, December 4, 2011

6 Months

Tommy's Six Month Stats:
Height: 26.25 inches (50%, @ 4mos 30%)
Weight: 16 lbs, 1.5 oz (45%, @ 4 mos 35%)
Head circumference: 44 cm (45%. @ 4mos, 50%))

Tommy's just climbing right on up the growth chart!!  This didn't surprise us at all though because our little man has grown out of his 3-6 month clothes already! 

New activities:
- Rolling from back to front AND front to back - some how he uses the rolling to get around now, from one side of the living room to the other!
-Jumper - he loves his new doorway jumper (and so does mom!)

-Eating in his hi-chair: Tommy started eating rice cereal and fruits and veggies.  Mommy has even made some of his baby food! 
 First cereal feeding
First hi-chair feeding

Tommy also had his first sleep-over with nana and grandpa while mom and dad went to the Margarita Ball!  I think Zoe wanted to stay over too!

Yesterday, we made the trip to Waco with Uncle John, Uncle Pat and Aunt Liz for his second cousin Laney's first birthday party - it was tons of fun!  I sure hope Tommy and Laney can be just as close as Aly, Jenny and I are!  Here's the birthday girl:

I've taken his six month pictures, but not sharing them just yet - Christmas cards coming soon!!

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