Saturday, July 23, 2011

Returning to Work :(

I can't believe it, but my 12 weeks of maternity/medical leave are up! :(  I have mixed emotions about returning to work, which is a job that I absolutely love, but I would rather be at home with my little Tommy.  Tommy went to daycare this past Thursday and Friday for about 6 hours at a time so he and I could get adjusted to life with daycare.  His teachers Ms Vicki and Ms Chandra are super nice and I'm sure he's making friends with all the other babies just fine :)   Also, last week (@ 8 weeks of age), Tommy started reaching for the toys on his crib gym!!

 Tommy - 6 1/2 weeks - I just love this outfit!!
 Reaching for his toys
This past weekend we went to New Orleans for the Henegan Family Reunion and had a BLAST!!!  Tommy was the hit of the weekend and came home spoiled from being held or walking around in his stroller the whole time!!  The food was great, the booze plentiful, and the company wonderful - it was great to see the Henegan family.  Thanks to Lindsey Rush & Saundra - Daddy and I had a couple of nights out on the town - boy those 7am feedings sure did come fast though!!  We also got to see Tommy's cousins Owen & Nate and their mom & dad - Jason & Sonna - they drove in from Mobile, AL to come see us.  You might be wondering how we arrived in New Orleans - after much debate between dad and me - we flew.  I wanted to drive so that I could take everything imaginable with me (what mom wants to be limited to 2 carry-ons?) and dad wanted to fly because we would get there MUCH faster.  I was nervous taking Tommy on the plane - I've been on several flights with babies who cried the whole time - and I do not want to be that person.  I couldn't have asked for a better experience though- Tommy was awesome and slept just about the entire time.  Now, traveling through an airport with a stroller, luggage, car seat and baby is not an awesome experience, but we managed it - carrying our Starbucks and all!

 Great-Grandma Henegan, Tommy & Mommy

 Great-grandpa Henegan, Uncle Ryan, Tommy & Mommy

Daddy & Tommy overlooking the French Quarter

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