Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4 Months

4 Month Check-Up Stats:
Weight - 13 lbs, 14.5 oz (35%)
Height - 24 1/4 inches (30%)
Head circumference - 42.2 (50%)

Well, I guess the weight I tried to take was a little off since a month later he is almost 14 pounds :)  I'm sure I say this every update, but he is just growing like a weed!!  He is completely grown out of his 3 month clothes - Matt put his Longhorn onesie on for the game last week and he busted the arm seams!!

We've had some big events this past month: Tommy was baptized at our church, St Thomas Aquinas, and was blessed with his godparents Uncle Travis and Aunt Laura.  (I need to get the pics from my mom). 
Tommy also attended his first of many SMU Boulevard parties - had a great time but was a little tired after:

Tommy is just the happiest baby - he giggles, smiles, and coos ALL of the time. He's also holding rattles and toys in his hands and of course, trying to eat all of them - yesterday his hand and rattle was slobbery he couldn't hold it and kept getting so mad! It was too funny!!! Tommy is also holding his head up really well now and enjoys sitting in his bumbo chair like a big boy. Yesterday he even sat in the buggy at Target - he only lasted about 15 minutes - but he is my child so he will learn to love those shopping trips to Target soon.

His newest trick is blowing spit bubbles - loves to do it himself and loves it even more when you do it!  Such a boy...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 Months Old

Boy time sure does fly by...I can't believe my little guy is already 3 months old!  I weighed him yesterday and he is 13.5 pounds - all cheeks too!  My favorite time with him is in the morning after his first feeding while I hold him and we just stare at each other and make funny faces and coo back and forth.   He also likes to stand up on my legs while he tries to stand up and hold his head up on his own, every day he gets better and better.  Our family has settled in to a nice routine since I started back at work, I take Tommy to daycare on my way in and then daddy picks him up.  By the time I get home, daddy's already given him a bath and put him to bed, but I get to do his last feeding at 8:30.  Tommy's sleeping through the night now and most mornings I have to wake him up so we can get to school/work on time (which I totally don't mind ;)).