It's been a little while since I've posted anything, mostly because nothing exciting has happened, which is great news!! We went to the OB last week, heard the heartbeat again, and everything is checking out just fine.
A couple of weeks ago Matt agreed to take some "baby bump" pics with me - and I wanted to share some inspirational pics with you all so you can help us decide which to take:
Okay, just kidding, seriously though? What are these people thinking???

Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
14 Weeks and the 2nd Trimester!!
I've made it to the second trimester - apparently this is when you get some energy back and some of those annoying symptoms go away. For the past few weeks, I've been feeling great. Not showing yet, but I'm hoping to be soon!
This week the baby is the size of a lemon - I can't believe how fast little CC is growing!!
We go to the doc again next week - I'll update more then.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
11+ Weeks
We had another OB appointment today and got to hear the baby's heartbeat!! The heartrate was 150, which is great because it should be between 120-160. Everything else is going well and maybe I'll be able to get some good sleep now because the doc prescribed me ambien. I've never had a problem falling asleep or staying asleep - it may have to do with working nights right now - but it just seems cruel. I've never been more tired in my life and now I can't sleep!
Anyhow - so Matt and I decided today that we are not going to find out the baby's sex until the baby is born. I think this will be exciting, but I think we are going to have some disappointed grandmas :( Just for fun I had to take a peek at the chinese gender calender and - brace yourselves - it says I will have a girl!! Who knows how true this is - we'll find out in 30 weeks or so!!
Anyhow - so Matt and I decided today that we are not going to find out the baby's sex until the baby is born. I think this will be exciting, but I think we are going to have some disappointed grandmas :( Just for fun I had to take a peek at the chinese gender calender and - brace yourselves - it says I will have a girl!! Who knows how true this is - we'll find out in 30 weeks or so!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Here's a pic from Halloween last weekend. I was a "Bun in the Oven" and Matt was the "Bun Maker." We went to a party with some people from Matt's work, we had a great time and I even stayed out until 1am!
When we first found we were pregnant, I said that I wanted to wait until I delivered to find out the sex of the baby, but Matt wanted to find out ASAP. Our friends Jeff and Meg are due in 4 weeks and they are waiting to find out; anyway, Jeff told Matt that they haven't spent a lot of money on the baby because they don't know the sex. Well, what happens when you're married to a marketing/financial analyst? He now decides that he doesn't want to find out either! Just when I was getting used to the idea...We'll see - we still have a long time to decide :)
Next week we have another OB appointment and will get to hear the baby's heart beat!!
When we first found we were pregnant, I said that I wanted to wait until I delivered to find out the sex of the baby, but Matt wanted to find out ASAP. Our friends Jeff and Meg are due in 4 weeks and they are waiting to find out; anyway, Jeff told Matt that they haven't spent a lot of money on the baby because they don't know the sex. Well, what happens when you're married to a marketing/financial analyst? He now decides that he doesn't want to find out either! Just when I was getting used to the idea...We'll see - we still have a long time to decide :)
Next week we have another OB appointment and will get to hear the baby's heart beat!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's been a couple of weeks since I last updated the blog, but not much has changed...except the baby is growing!! I'm about 9 weeks along now, only 31 more to go. According to the baby is the size of a grape (~1 inch long)! Here's a picture from too:

I've named the baby CC for now, because all I want is Blue Bell Cookies N Creme ice cream!! I know, how original, a preggo craving ice cream, but I do...last night Matt came home with a big tub instead of the pint size because he said last time he didn't get any! What can I say - you snooze you lose.
I've named the baby CC for now, because all I want is Blue Bell Cookies N Creme ice cream!! I know, how original, a preggo craving ice cream, but I do...last night Matt came home with a big tub instead of the pint size because he said last time he didn't get any! What can I say - you snooze you lose.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
First Ultrasound
We had our first ultrasound last week! I couldn't believe we could already see a heartbeat!! The baby is so small, measuring about .39cm - pretty tiny huh? (In the picture, the baby is in between those two + signs) The baby measured 6 weeks on the sono, so that puts our due date at May 30, 2011 - I wish it was sooner - I want to hold and kiss and squeeze the baby now - I don't know how I'm going to wait the next 8 months.
We finished off the appointment with a ton of bloodwork, plus more than usual because I work in the NICU and could have been exposed to some diseases that non-healthcare workers probably aren't exposed to. Kind of scary huh?
No worries though - everything came back just fine!
We finished off the appointment with a ton of bloodwork, plus more than usual because I work in the NICU and could have been exposed to some diseases that non-healthcare workers probably aren't exposed to. Kind of scary huh?
No worries though - everything came back just fine!
Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't go out - right?!
My first weekend preggers was the Texas-OU game. Originally we had planned on going to a bar to watch the game and then decided to have family over to the house instead and am I glad we did, I was SO tired!! I couldn't believe it but I feel asleep on the couch during the second half of the game - seriously? - I love this football game and look forward to it every year and I fall asleep? Luckily, I didn't miss much, but the Sooners dominating the Longhorns. All week I had been talking a big game with Matt, "Of course I want to go out after the game, it's always so much fun, plus I can be your DD." I really thought that just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I still can't do all the fun things I used to do (minus the booze of course!). Was I in for a rude awakening! I dropped the boys off on Greenville and then went home and went back to sleep and even told them to take a cab home because I didn't want to be woken up - these days I feel like I could sleep for days...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Where/How do I start?
I'm not one for journaling but I have become inspired by some of my friends who have started blogs, plus I want to document all the ups and downs of my first pregnancy - and share all of the juicy details with my family and friends - so I've created the "Chronicles of a New Mom-to-Be" blog.
So, about 3 weeks ago (September 20 to be exact), Matt and I found out that we're having a baby! I was shocked when the home pregnancy test came back with a plus sign, especially since that past week I had taken 4 tests that all came back negative. Needless to say I was a little worried, so the next day I made an appointment with the OB. I took another preg test at the office and it was positive too - hooray! Without going too much into detail, the OB said that I ovulated late in my cycle which is why it took a week to get a positive test. I then had blood work done to confirm and the results were great - my beta hcg level quadrupled in 48 hours - which relieved me and put me a little more at ease.
I know you will all think I'm crazy, but I instantly had to start looking at nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, etc...early I know, but I've been looking at this stuff for the past 3 years and now I can actually look at it without feeling too pathetic.
Here's one of my favorite pics of me and my baby daddy
So, about 3 weeks ago (September 20 to be exact), Matt and I found out that we're having a baby! I was shocked when the home pregnancy test came back with a plus sign, especially since that past week I had taken 4 tests that all came back negative. Needless to say I was a little worried, so the next day I made an appointment with the OB. I took another preg test at the office and it was positive too - hooray! Without going too much into detail, the OB said that I ovulated late in my cycle which is why it took a week to get a positive test. I then had blood work done to confirm and the results were great - my beta hcg level quadrupled in 48 hours - which relieved me and put me a little more at ease.
I know you will all think I'm crazy, but I instantly had to start looking at nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, etc...early I know, but I've been looking at this stuff for the past 3 years and now I can actually look at it without feeling too pathetic.
Here's one of my favorite pics of me and my baby daddy
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